Updating articles in bulk

From an articles list, you can update one or more articles at once using the bulk actions options. For example, you can publish a batch of articles at once or add a labels to several articles.

You can make the following updates using bulk actions:

  • Archive or restore articles
  • Delete articles
  • Change author
  • Open or close for comments
  • (Guide Professional and Enterprise) Change labels on articles
  • (Guide Professional and Enterprise) Change user permissions
  • (Guide Enterprise only) Assign or unassign articles
  • (Guide Enterprise only) Submit articles for review
  • (Guide Enterprise only) Submit articles for approval
  • (Guide Enterprise only) Schedule articles for publishing
  • (Guide Enterprise only) Schedule articles for unpublishing
  • (Guide Enterprise only) Verify or unverify articles
  • (Guide Enterprise only) Change article owner
  • (Guide Enterprise only) Publish or unpublish articles

To update articles in bulk

  1. In Guide, click the Manage articles (Manage articles) icon in the sidebar.
  2. Find the articles you want to update by browsing, searching, or using a new or existing articles list.
  3. Select one or more articles to update.

    You can select a maximum of 30 articles at a time. To select 30 items at once, click the check box beside the number of results at the top.

    Select all

  4. Click one of the bulk actions menus at the bottom, then select an option.

    The bulk actions that are available depend on your plan.

    Actions select

  5. Click to confirm that you’d like to perform the action, or enter your update, if necessary.

    Some actions require an additional step:

    • For assign, select a team member and enter a note, then click Assign.
    • For change labels, select or deselect labels to add or remove them or enter a new label, then click Change.

    For more information, see Updating article labels in bulk.

    • For restore, select a section for the article, then click Restore.
    • For scheduled publishing and unpublishing, click to create a schedule to publish or unpublish an article. Select a date, time, and time zone, then click Schedule.

    You can select both check boxes to create a publish schedule and unpublish schedule in one action.

    The action is applied to all the selected articles.

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